c3 Heirlooms
Many families have precious heirlooms that are passed down through generations. Sadly, unless someone has taken the time to record the history of each piece, the history becomes lost. c3 Heirlooms was created to stop that trend and allow you and your family to easily record your heirlooms and their history. I created this because our family needed it. Maybe yours could use it as well.
Some features are:
- You can view all heirlooms, only those you have, or only those someone else has
- Each heirloom can have it's history recorded in an unlimited length
- When an heirloom history is submitted, who submitted it and the date is permanently recorded
- You can post up to 3 photos for each heirloom
- You can assign an owner and location for each heirloom
- Heirloom categories can be added as needed by the admin
- The admin can set up as many users as desired
- Only the admin can edit who owns an heirloom, or set up a new heirloom without submitting a history
Screen Shots
- Login Screen
- View All Heirlooms
- View Single Heirloom
- Edit Heirloom
- Admin Menu
- Edit Categories
- Edit User
- Edit System Settings
Technical Requirements
This is a server side database app, meaning you'll need to have access to a web server to use this. It requires PHP and MySQL to run. This will not run on a home computer or laptop unless you are running the appropriate server software on that computer (such as LAMP or MAMP). If you don't have a web server at your disposal we can offer you a small web hosting package to run this on, using a domain of your choice or a sub domain we can provide. If you need help setting up the software we can do that for you as well for a small fee.
How To Install
Set up is relatively simple. Un-zip the file and upload the entire contents to the web directory on your server and follow the instructions provided, which includes an an installation script to do most of the hard work for you.
This app is provided for your personal not for profit use free of cost. It is NOT open source however. Please familiarize yourself with the license for use within the program itself.
c3 Heirlooms is still a work in progress as I have the time or the need to develop it further. It is presently in a beta stage as it's not quite reached version 1.0 yet, meaning there are future improvements that have already been identified. If you find any problems or have suggestions for future features please submit those HERE.
If you like and use this app please consider making a donation HERE.
Please submit your name and email with the form below and a link will be sent to you for downloading the app. The info you submit stays with us and we will only contact you, if ever, to inform you of an update.